Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Black women on Welfare = Undetermined and Undereducated??

Black and on Welfare was a very informative story about the true struggles of being on welfare and how unfair the system is. It was told from the perspective of Sandra GOlden, a woman who had 2 years of schooling and 2 years of experience but happened to get pregnant. Being on welfare is never part of the "plan" but in her case it was particularly unexpected. And her experience with the welfare system was not too bright. The SSC automatically assumed that she was undereducated, undetermined, and unskilled - when you have someone who is in charge of your money situation having little hope in you and your opportunities it doesnt exactly make the situation any better. From the experiecne she had she went on to do a case study with several Black single woman on welfare - and it was not only she that found the welfare system slightly inadequate in the support department. Yes they give you jobs and money BUT do they offer you any support? ANy glimmer of hope that you might make it out? Not really.

I empathisized for these woman. Being a single black woman trying to make better for your child is hard enough without having someone else trying to look down on you. I strongly agree with Golden's point of the need for assesment test for jobs and the backwards idea of trying to work first then get educated. I go to school for 13 years before ever getting any kind of substanstial job, so why on the welfare system would they do it backward. SHouldn't they give them some opportunity to get their GED or something to that extent so that they can better themseleves.

The welfare systme doesn't need to be so undermining, they are there to help- so really helping is what they should do. Not this " help" where they don't believe in you and give you jobs that you just might be over qualified for..

-Jheanelle Miller

1 comment:

  1. Great post Jheanella. I appreciate your perspective on the article. I agree with your opinion on the welfare system not being undermining and demeaning to the people in need. The SSC officers in the welfare system took little acknowledgement in the women and their background. Women with educational experience of up to four years were placed in low paid, poor, stereotypical jobs such as housekeeping. I agree with your perspective of single parenthood being hard, however, it is the responsibility of the parent to raise the children by any means.

    -Tiara Denson
